Monday, August 21, 2017

New in Windows security: Automatically log off suspicious users

Microsoft's Cloud App Security subscription service will boot users off the network, and out of apps and services, at the first sign of anomalous behavior.

Microsoft has added rapid reaction to a year-old subscription service that will automatically shut down accounts - logging a user out of all managed apps and services, including those delivered by a third-party - at the first hint of suspicious activity.
The new feature in Cloud App Security (CAS), a security service launched in August 2016, collaborates with Azure Active Directory (AAD), another subscription service, to automatically bump off users behaving unusually and shut down accounts suspected of having been hijacked. CAS is built, at least in part, on technology Microsoft acquired in 2015 when it bought the Israeli cloud security vendor Adallom for $250 million.
"When a suspicious activity is identified in Cloud App Security portal, you can now initiate an auto-remediation action[,] logging off these users and requiring users to sign in again to Office 365 as well as all apps accessed through Azure Active Directory," according to an unsigned post to a Microsoft blog today.
More Details : Click here  Computerworld 

Set Up a Google Ad Sense and link with your Blog.

  1. Visit  the Google AdSense  home page.Click on the 'Sign Up Now' button in the upper right hand corner the screen.
  2. Log in with your gmail account.Give your Blog Site URL .Select your country.Accept the term and condition.Than click  create account.
  3. After created the account,go to ad sense. Click on my ads.Click  new ad units.Select text and display ads. Give a name of your ads.Select ad size.It's recommended that you choose responsive ads. Than it will fit at your site automatically. Than click save and get code.
  4. Copy the ads html code. Go to your blog and click lay out.Select where you want to give ad. click on edit and past the code that place. Save the arrangement and view the blog.
  5. It may take a few hours or a few days for Google to start serving ads on your blog.  When readers visit your blog, the HTML code you pasted into your blog from Google will activate and relevant ads will be displayed based on each page's content.
  6. Remember, Google AdSense  pays based on click. So generate traffic and earn money.

Friday, August 18, 2017

Bluetooth fidget spinner

A company called Fidgetly, which describes itself as the "premiere fidget spinner company," is launching a Bluetooth-connected fidget spinner specifically designed for its new smartphone game. It's describing the product, called the FidgetlyCTRL, as the first-ever gaming fidget spinner. The idea is that you pair it with your phone, and Fidgetly's app will track users' "spinner stats," let them compete against friends, teach them tricks, and allow them to play games with the spinner used as a 360-degree motion controller.
The company's CEO says in an email to The Verge that all these controls are enabled through the spinner's gyroscope and accelerometer. So in a game where you might tap your phone's screen to launch an attack, you could instead spin clockwise for an attack, or counter-clockwise for a different manuever, or spin the gadget while holding it at a specific angle to launch an attack across the screen diagonally. We haven't played with FidgetlyCTRL yet, but it certainly sounds intriguing. The device will cost $39.99 when it's released this fall through the company's website and at various retailers, like Best Buy, Target, and Brookstone. It's available to preorder today, however.
Although Fidgetly is marketing this toy as a first-ever type of device, it consists of two ideas that already exist: virtual fidget spinner games and Bluetooth fidget spinners. Some of the Bluetooth spinners reportedly exploded while charging. That wasn't a great start for the industry. Obviously, Fidgetly is attempting to make its entire business revolve around fidget spinners, so hopefully their devices don't explode. I'm going to go into this with a positive attitude.
Courtesy : THE VERGE

Thursday, August 17, 2017

How to make a blog account

How To Open A Blogger Account

Hello every one, Today I will tell you how to open a Blogger Account.

To open a Blog Account you have to have a gmail account. Than go to site. Sign in to your gmail account.If you don't have google+ account , Create a Google + profile.Again go to . Click on create your blog.Than click create new blog.Give a title name and address name.Select a theme. Your blogger page is ready.Now you can see your blog page by click view blog. Your page is ready.Now you can post and publish your blog.
You Can See This Video 
You Can Subscribe This Channel 

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Virtual Reality Tech

The company’s new VR training program will be rolling out next month at nine of the company’s training facilities, simulating some of the uncertainties and challenges of delivering packages on city streets. Trainees will interact with the content using voice commands to identify obstacles while wearing headsets.
“Virtual Reality offers a big technological leap in the realm of driver safety training,” said UPS exec Juan Perez in a statement. “VR creates a hyper-realistic streetscape that will dazzle even the youngest of our drivers whose previous exposure to the technology was through video games.”
While companies like Walmart have signed onto programs with enterprise-focused startups like Strivr Labs, UPS will be building its training materials in-house.
Virtual reality may be a more immersive technology but, when done poorly, training videos can be just as unbearable as more traditional instructional materials. The big issue right now is that making custom, realistic VR content able to take advantage of everything the medium has to offer really isn’t worth the effort.
Enterprise software companies could build (and some have) game engine-rendered content that allows you to move around and interact with the environment, but they often end up with dumpy PlayStation 1 graphics that wander too far from the real-world. Largely for this reason, most companies are opting for more realistic — but less interactive — 360 video.
While VR may not be as revolutionary as, say, drones to a company that ships packages across the globe, it can still be an effective tool for getting prospective employees ready before they get out on the job. It’s also important because UPS drivers are a clear candidate for utilizing AR headsets in the future to more easily keep track of shipments hands-free while preparing for drop-offs and pick-ups.
Source :

Friday, August 11, 2017

Make a You Tube Channel

           How do you make a you tube channel 
  • For create a YouTube account, you  have to create a Gmail account. This will appear as [YouTube username]
  • If you already have a gmail account than visit the YouTube Web site.
How to make You Tube Channel 

  • Click on the "Sign in" button in the upper-right corner.
  • Click on the “Create an account” button under the login form on the login page.
  • Fill out your e-mail address, user name, date of birth, gender and click “I Accept”.
  • On your profile page, you can add a main picture and  background.
  • When you signed up you tube,Make and add videos to the YouTube.

U.S. EPA receives 52 new petitions for retroactive biofuel blending waivers

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has received 52 new petitions for retroactive biofuel blending waivers that, if granted, would help...